Animation fun at its finest: Filmstadt has been presenting an entertaining new film in the 4 D cinema since 2021. “Mogli's Jungle Adventure” is a fast-paced race between the clever Mogli and the gray eminence of the jungle, the panther lady Bagheera. Mowgli has all the tools he needs to win: a palm leaf is used as a parachute, lianas as ropes and a waterfall as a slide. Great fun and a reunion with the popular jungle inhabitants.
The animated film „Mowgli's Jungle Adventure" is a top-class thrilling adventure. There is no movie theatre with a combination of visual, optical and mechanical effects in Munich but here at Bavaria Filmstadt.
Note: The 4 D cinema is only available as part of the Filmstadt Kombi Ticket (including a guided Filmstadt tour). Total duration: approx. 2 hours
3 D images and 3 D sound, moving seats and special effects in the audience make "Mowgli's Jungle Adventure" a breathtaking experience.
Here are some helpful tips for your visit.
Physical constraint:
If you are less than 1,20m tall or taller than 2,00m, if you are pregnant, if you have heart-, neck- and/or backproblems, if you have a tendency to get seasick or if you have recently had surgery, then you are unfortunately not allowed to visit the 4 D motion ride.
Youtube Video: Trailer Mogli's Jungle Adventure